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Tips to Maintain Your AC Yourself

Maintaining your AC is not just your technician’s job but also something you can do in between its maintenance schedules. Not only will you keep your AC functioning superbly, but also avoid any unforeseen breakdowns. Needless to say, a well-functioning AC will also consume less energy to give you efficient output.

A well-maintained AC will run long and efficiently, use less energy, and cost less money. That being said, while it is important to hire a professional Houston TX AC Repair, you can do the following things to ensure that your unit is running optimally. Remember that anytime you feel that you are unable to do the maintenance yourself, don’t hesitate to call the specialist to have a look. Safety is always paramount so follow basic precautions when handling an electronic device.

Replace the Air Filter

If your AC has a reusable filter, then you must consider cleaning or replacing it from time to time. Believe it or not, the most common cause for your AC to function ineffectively is a clogged air filter. When the filter is clogged with dust particles, it can decrease the air flow and make your system work harder to produce efficient cooling or heating effect. Additionally, a dirty air filter can also trigger breathing problems in people sensitive to allergens. So before you start using your unit at the start of a season, you should clean it or replace it.

Check AC Components and Wiring

Always check the power supply before you start working on your AC. This can be done by disconnecting your outdoor unit. You can check for electrical connections and ensure that everything’s in order. Next, you can move over to the access panel and check if the condensing unit has any signs of overheating. If you see any melted or blackened wires, you must call the AC service experts immediately for a replacement.

Test the Thermostat

Check the thermostat to ensure that it is maintaining the right temperature indoors. If you have an old thermostat, then consider upgrading it to a new one so that you can regulate the temperature inside. A programmable thermostat will allow you to set the temperature higher when no is home and automatically start cooling the house about half an hour before you arrive. This way you will not only save energy but also have a comfortable house waiting for you when you come home in the evening.

Remove Dirt Build-up from Outside Unit

It is common for dirt and dust to accumulate on the outer shell of an AC unit that can significantly reduce the capacity of air flow. Remember to shut the power off to the unit before starting the cleaning process. Then use a garden hose and a gentle pressure to wash out all the debris.

These are just some basic maintenance tips. For everything else, you can call a professional service provider who can perform more in-depth servicing and repair.